Disinformation Expert – MALI EMPLOI

Disinformation Expert

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Disinformation Expert, Final Performance Evaluation of Peacebuilding, Stabilization, and Reconciliation activity

Social Impact, Inc. (SI) is a global development management consulting firm. We provide monitoring, evaluation, strategic planning, and capacity-building services to advance development effectiveness. We work across all development sectors, including democracy and governance, health and education, the environment, and economic growth. Since 1997 we have worked in over 100 countries for clients such as US government agencies, bilateral donors, multilateral development banks, foundations, and nonprofits.

Project Objective

On November 10, 2022, USAID/Mali awarded the five-year Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Platform contract to SI. The Peacebuilding, Stabilization, and Reconciliation (PSR) program is a five-year activity, which is implemented in 43 communes in the Center and North of Mali. The purpose of this activity is to improve prospects for long-term peace, security, and reconciliation by building trust between conflict-affected communities and their government, strengthening the ability of communities to mitigate and manage conflict, prioritize, and implement their community’s most pressing development needs, and empowering marginalized youth as change agents. The initial goal is to see measurable improvement in the efficiency, effectiveness, and capacities of the local communities to be more resilient to conflict and violent extremism by the end of this contract. Additionally, it is PSR Activity’s objective to strengthen the citizen and community response to misinformation and the local government leaders’ communication skills.

Position Description

SI is seeking a Disinformation Expert (DE) to support the Final Performance Evaluation of the PSR Activity. This position may require field visits within Mali. The tentative period of performance (POP) for this position is March – July 2023 and the expected level of effort (LOE) is 60 days. 


Under the supervision of the USAID/Mali Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Platform (MEL Platform) Chief of Party (COP) in Mali, the DE will work directly with the evaluation Team Leader (TL), and the evaluation Project Manager at the field level to contribute to the design and implementation and the evaluation.

The DE will work with the evaluation team members to contribute to the overall evaluation products, including the timely production of high-quality deliverables associated with this evaluation in conformity with this Scope of Work (SOW). Responsibilities include:

  • Provide specific expertise in communication and disinformation as they relate to governance, peacebuilding, and resilience
  • Participate in the desk review, the development of evaluation design including methodology, instruments, the inception report, specifically, on research approaches and methods related to reductions in the spreading of mal- / dis- / and misinformation
  • Assist the TL in performing desk review and identify additional mal- / dis- / and mis-information information required for analysis
  • Assist the evaluation team members in conducting data collection and analysis, for the evaluation, specifically on mal- / dis- / and misinformation
  • Assist the TL in the preparation and presentation of the evaluation design, key findings, conclusions, and recommendations to USAID together with the evaluation team
  • Write selected sections on evaluation questions and sub-questions related to mal- / dis- / and misinformation of the draft evaluation report with support from the team, taking into consideration feedback from USAID and MEL Platform after presentations and workshops
  • Assist with providing written responses to USAID comments on the draft report and support production of the final report on evaluation questions and sub-questions related to mal- / dis- / and misinformation
  • Work collaboratively with team members throughout design, implementation, analysis, and report writing to complement each other’s areas of expertise


  • Advanced degree (master’s degree) in communication, political science, conflict resolution, peace studies, sociology, anthropology, or a related field to ensure that all areas of technical expertise related to mal- / dis- / and misinformation required
  • Demonstrated experience in evaluating disinformation programs
  • Experience in designing and implementing evaluations in the communication sector
  • Familiarity with the government sector and in-depth knowledge of and extensive experience in Africa/Sub-Sahara, including in dialogue and conflict prevention initiatives
  • Awareness of and familiarity in Africa/Sub-Sahara of key actors and stakeholders across the political, economic, and development spheres alongside knowledge of government, civil society, and other non-state actors
  • Excellent writing and interpersonal skills required
  • Prior experience with USAID programs, objectives, and reporting required
  • Experience in designing and implementing evaluations and conducting qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis in the government sector and in mal- / dis- / and misinformation
  • Experience in conducting evaluations in Mali and knowledge in a local language is an asset
  • Professional level French and English (writing, speaking, and reading) required

Please apply directly on SI’s Careers page here: https://phg.tbe.taleo.net/phg02/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=SOCIIMPA2&cws=39&rid=4401

Join our energetic and innovative team!  We offer you the opportunity to play a leading role in the growth of our company, work as part of a creative and committed team, and make a difference in the well-being of our world.

To learn more about Social Impact, please visit our website: http://www.socialimpact.com

SI is an EEO/AA/ADA Veterans Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or protected veteran status.

Only selected candidates will be contacted for an interview.

  • POSTULEZ AVANT LE 28/04/2023
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Faladiè  – Banankabougou Centre commercial – Immeuble Diabali Transit 2ème étage en face de la Cour Suprême du Mali  

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