Digitization Partner

Publié il y a 2 ans

Vacancy national / regional – Digitization Partner

The GIZ Mali is working since more than 60 years in Mali. Its projects and programs are financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the German Federal Foreign Office (AA), the Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety (BMU), the European Union, the Canadian State, and others. In the main sectors agriculture, water and sanitation and good governance and other projects about stabilization, peacebuilding, climate change and municipal electrification are working about 300 national and 40 international employees.

To cope with the challenges of the digital transformation in the field structure of GIZ, to promote the digital transformation process and to provide competent support, the role of a digitization partner (DIPA) is created in the country office of the GIZ Mali. As far as possible, this position should include and represent the previous different roles in relation to digital transformation (DMV, IPA, data protection, etc.) and act on site as contact person for all digitalization topics in GIZ Mali.

The DIPA has access to GIZ specialists such as “IT partners” of our divisions at headquarter, “DIGITS employees”, etc. and to other DIPA. The DIPA should become an essential part of GIZ’s digital network.

The focus of the DIPA‘s tasks lies on contextual and organizational consulting and on-site training. He ensures a very important link between the field structure and headquarters.

Location: GIZ Country office

Length of employment: Fixed term (One year)


DIPA are the first point of contact for digital topics, information management, IT security and data protection for GIZ Mali. This applies to GIZ internal aspects as well as to the local digital infrastructure and demand signals.

In order to advance the digital transformation process and provide competent support, they maintain close contact to the IT partners, the DIGITS division, in particular the Dept. Global IT Services and regular exchange within the network digitization partner (community is created) as well as the Digital Pioneers network (DP) on information management topics.

DIPA offer system-independent advice on the rule-compliant (PuR, laws) handling of information subject to retention, binding filing structures, retention and archiving as well as roles and authorizations.

DIPA advise at the link to the service provision (GIZ partners), in coherence with the relevant departments at GIZ headquarters, when using existing as well as developing special IT tools, for and with the partner.

Digital service delivery and digital by default

  • Consulting at the interface for the provision of services when using existing IT tools as well as developing special IT-tools.
  • Advising the project/program directors of new projects (AV-Vs) on the application of the « Digital by Default » principle, i.e. on the integration of digital solutions in project.

Digital competencies

  • Support of GIZ employees of GIZ Mali with the introduction and use of existing and new digital GIZ systems (IDA, MS Teams, etc.), as well as providing orientation for future digital solutions from the headquarters.
  • Organization of training courses on digitization issues in order to develop the digital skills of employees.

GIZ Information Management Systems

  • Responsible for the implementation of “IDA” and building up the structure of multipliers in the country with a focus on “IDA.Countries”.
  • Is the IDA contact person for the country office and projects and related topics in digitization (centralized information management systems, interaction of different systems, planned / upcoming IT projects with relevance for the field structure, etc.).
  • Bundle requirements and forward them to the “IT partners”.

Data Protection

  • Support the basic data protection concept of GIZ as well as the data protection regulations on site and communicate this comprehensibly.
  • Use the support of the DIGITS data protection management to handle personal data in the GIZ information management systems, the DMV network for organizing, on-site coordination in the event of loss of IT equipment and event-related adjustments of authorizations and personal data in the GIZ information management systems and provide advice to the responsible persons in the country office.
  • Support the GIZ information management systems and provide advice to the responsible persons in the country office.

Information Security

  • Use of the IT guidelines and check for completeness and topicality (together with the IT professionals in headquarter and GIZ Mali country office).
  • Support the country office in complying with the GIZ Processes and Rules (PuR).
  • Report IT security incidents after consultation with the IT professionals.


  • Responsible for the onboarding of new employees and continuous capacity building of staff in the country office and projects on the forementioned organizational and digitization issues.


  • University degree in Communications, Social Science, Digital Management, or a comparable subject area.
  • Several years of professional experience in the Communication/IT field, preferably also in the practical application of digital technologies in development cooperation
  • Familiarity with internal administrative processes in the GIZ, technical knowledge of OpenText-DMS and IDA/Office 365 are advantageous.
  • Knowledge of the GIZ data protection and IT guidelines or the ability to acquire these quickly and thoroughly.
  • High level of digital skills, (adult) training/education skills, communication and change management are desirable.
  • Strong willingness to cooperate, team spirit and intercultural sensitivity.
  • Very Good knowledge of spoken and written English is a prerequisite, knowledge of German is an advantage 


Submit your CV and cover letter in English to recrutementmali@giz.de and indicate the Vacancy Reference: “Digitization Partner” in the subject line of your email or send the application at GIZ Country Office. 

CLOSING DATE: November 22, 2022, at 17:00 

Women and people with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply for. 


  • CDD
  • POSTULEZ AVANT LE 22/11/2022

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Faladiè  – Banankabougou Centre commercial – Immeuble Diabali Transit 2ème étage en face de la Cour Suprême du Mali  

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